Tiptoe School of Performing Arts began in Sinfin in April 1990 with approximately 70 pupils. The addition of classes at Mickleover in 1992 incorporated classes both at the Memorial Hall and the Community Centre in Mickleover. The school has grown to over 400 pupils from the age of 3 upward since 1990. Due to the size of the school, we moved to City of Derby Academy in 2009. In April 2021 Tiptoe achieved a long awaited dream and opened their very own studio in Sinfin.
What Is It All For?
During the year we provide a number of exam sessions offering IDTA in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Street and Acro, as well as Trinity in Drama and we hold an annual presentation to recognise the achievements of all our students.
As well as staging an annual show at The Derby Theatre, we also perform a drama production, which incorporates singing, acting and dancing.

School information & Policies
Before completing the information below, please make sure YOU have carefully read our school information and policies on payment, uniform, behaviour & children safeguarding.
Safeguarding Children PolicyTiptoe School of Performing Arts adhere to: Derby and Derbyshire Joint Safeguarding Children Procedures - www.derby.gov.uk What to do if you are worried that a child is being abused (Department For Education and Skills 2006) Information sharing guidance for practitioners and managers (Department for children, schools and families 2008) Guidance for licence holders and Chaperones (Derby City Council 2009) Statement The welfare and safety of all the children who attend Tiptoe is of paramount importance, therefore should any concerns about the welfare and safety of a child arise, Tiptoe have a duty to follow Safeguarding Children Procedures. Tiptoe will seek advice, share concerns and information and if necessary make a referral to the Children and Young People’s Social Care Department or the Police. Key Points Tiptoe will ensure that the appropriate checks are made of teachers, trainers and chaperones working with pupils. Tiptoe will ensure that the teachers, trainers and chaperones are aware of their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding children and receive appropriate training to help them carry our their roles in a responsible and competent manner. Tiptoe will aim to provide a safe and positive environment for the pupils and will ensure that the correct pupil/staff ratio is adhered to with each class. Parents will be advised to supervise their children when they are not in their class and remain on site with the younger pupils. Parent/Carer emergency contact numbers are required and need to be kept up to date. Tiptoe will listen and take seriously any concerns raised or shared by the pupil, parent/carer and seek appropriate advice and support in order to safeguard the welfare and safety of the pupil. Tiptoe will document any concerns about the welfare and safety of a pupil and take appropriate action by following the Derby and Derbyshire Joint Safeguarding Children Procedures (www.derby.gov.uk) Tiptoe will aim to prevent and respond to any evidence of bullying or inappropriate behaviour. Tiptoe will take very seriously any allegations made against any teacher, trainee, volunteer or chaperone, by a pupil or the parent/carer, and follow Derby and Derbyshire Joint Safeguarding Children Procedures (Allegations of abuse made against a person who works with children) - www.derby.gov.uk Useful Contact Numbers: Children and Young People Social Care Department First Contact Team 01332 641172 Police – Central Referral Unit Telephone: 01773 572058 /59 / 73 NSPCC Child Protection Helpline Telephone: 0800 800 500 Child Line Telephone: 0800 1111
Behavioural PolicyTiptoe prides itself on being a happy school with enjoyment being at the centre of all our classes. This behavioural policy exists to maintain this environment and enable pupils to reach their full potential. Any disruptive behaviour both in class and in the waiting areas will not be tolerated – teachers have the right to ask pupils to leave the class at any time if they feel that their behaviour is either inappropriate or spoiling the enjoyment for other pupils. If disruptive or inappropriate behaviour continues, the Principal will be informed and the pupil may be asked to leave Tiptoe. Regular Attendance This is essential for individual progression. Please ensure that you are always on time for class and attend regularly. Where possible, please either inform your teacher or contact the Hotline to report any absences. Where payments are made by monthly standing order or cheque, concessions cannot be made for classes not attended. Personal Belongings Please ensure that you look after your belongings while attending class. Tiptoe cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of personal belongings. Please ensure that ALL uniform items are labelled with the pupils name. Uniform Please ensure that the correct uniform is worn to class at all times. If you are unsure, please ask your teacher.
Class Payment DetailsPLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CAREFULLY. The Tiptoe School of Performing Arts currently operate two payment systems, the details are as follows; ‘PAY AS YOU GO’ CLASSES Students taking the following classes will pay for each class as they attend. However, if you wish to make a monthly payment for any of these classes by standing order, this is acceptable. Melody Bear Acro Tots Dance with Melody and Milligan Musical Theatre Tots Rosette Ballet/Tap/Modern Primary General Ballet Street Jazz Acro MONTHLY STANDING ORDER CLASSES All other classes taken are paid for by monthly standing order. Should a Student miss classes these are forfeit. On completion of your application form, paperwork will be raised for the monthly standing order and forwarded to you in due course. CURRENT CLASS CHARGES ½ hour Pay As You Go £3.50 Melody Bear £3.70 ¾ hour class £4.00 1 hour class £7.00 Drama & Singing £7.00 Acro (Mini) £4.00 Acro (all other classes) £4.50 Dance with Melody and Milligan £4.50 Acro Tots £4.50 Musical Theatre Tots £7.00 Private lessons – price on enquiry Incentives are offered for those taking multiple classes.
Uniform ListBALLET Rosette/Primary General/Preparatory/Primary Grades plus Juvenile/Preliminary Medals Blue Leotard, Blue Lycra Skirt, Pink Ballet Socks, Pink Ballet Shoes with elastic, Blue cross over cardigan (not compulsory – not required for exams), hair in bun or net with blue headband (if fringe does not go back) Boys – black shorts, black Tiptoe t-shirt, white socks, black ballet shoes Grades 1, 2 & 3 plus Bronze/Silver Medals Blue Leotard, Pink Ballet Tights, Pink Ballet shoes with elastic, belt (check uniform sheet) hair in bun or net with blue headband (if fringe does not go back) Boys – black ballet tights, white leotard, white socks, black ballet shoes Grade 4 upwards plus Gold/Gold Bar 1 Medals Black Leotard, Pink Ballet Tights, Pink Ballet shoes with elastic, belt (check uniform sheet), hair in bun or net with black headband (if fringe will not go back) Boys – black ballet tights, white leotard, white socks, black ballet shoes From Grade 4 upwards you may wear split sole ballet shoes if you wish. TAP & MODERN (for modern exams – bare feet) Rosette/One Dance (Modern only)/Preparatory/Primary/Grade 1 plus Juvenile/Preliminary Medals Blue Leotard, Blue Cycling Shorts, White Ankle Socks (Tap), Black Tap shoes with heel taps/Black jazz shoes Boys – black shorts, black Tiptoe t-shirt, white socks, black jazz/tap shoes Grades 2 & 3 plus Bronze & Silver Medals As above but long lycra tights and Oxford Tap shoes (optional for Gd 1, compulsory from Gd 2) Boys – black shorts, black Tiptoe t-shirt, white socks, black jazz/tap shoes Grade 4 & above plus Gold/Gold Bar 1 Medals Black leotard, black footless tights, black Oxford tap shoes/jazz shoes Boys – black shorts, black Tiptoe t-shirt, white socks, black jazz/tap shoes STREET Black Tiptoe t-shirt and Tiptoe leggings, black socks, black based trainers MUSICAL THEATRE Black Tiptoe t-shirt, black trousers or leggings, black jazz shoes, black zippy/hoodie (optional) ONLY TIPTOE T-SHIRTS/SWEATSHIRTS OR HOODIES TO BE WORN IN CLASS. NO OTHER TOPS WILL BE ALLOWED! PLEASE NOTE THAT UNIFORM IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO ORDER VIA OUR WEBSITE OR THE TIPTOE APP. EXAM RULES No jewellery (including earrings), no nail varnish. No shoes to be worn for modern exams. Regulation socks for ballet and tap. Ballet tights from Grade 1 NEAT BUN FOR ALL EXAMS (NO FRINGE)
Register For Classes
If you are interested in signing up a new student for classes with Tiptoe School of Performing Arts, please fill in the registration form below and one of our admin staff will be in touch.
Tell us some information about the student you want to sign up
Please provide the following information about the adult we will be communicating with